

● 住宿协议







住宿协议: 日本的酒店 *Prince Smart Inn, Kikusuitei除外



1.  本饭店与下榻宾客签订的住宿合同及相关合同,应依照本协议之规定。本协议未尽事宜,应依照法律法规等(法律法规或基于法律法规的规定。下同。)或通常确立的惯例。

2.  不论前款做何规定,本饭店在不违反法律法规等和惯例的范围内接受特别合同时,应优先该特别合同。



1.    有意向本饭店申请签订住宿合同者,请向本饭店提供以下信息。

(1) 下榻宾客姓名及其联系方式

(2) 住宿日期及预计到店时间

(3) 住宿费(原则上按附表1中的基本住宿费计算)

(4) 其他本饭店认为必要的信息

2.    如果下榻宾客在本饭店住宿时间超过了前款第2项所述住宿日期,申请继续住宿的,本饭店按照在提出该申请的时间点申请了新的住宿合同进行处理。



1.  住宿合同是在本饭店同意前条所述申请下成立的。但已证明本饭店未同意的,不在此限。

2.  住宿合同依据前款规定成立时,请在本饭店指定日期前支付本饭店规定的定金,定金以住宿期间(超过3天时为3天)的基本住宿费为上限。

3.  定金首先用于冲抵下榻宾客最终应支付的住宿费,发生适用第8条和第20条规定的情况时,按违约金、赔偿金的顺序冲抵,冲抵完成后尚有余额的,在下榻宾客支付第14条规定的费用时予以退还。

4.  第2款所述定金未能按照该款规定在本饭店指定日期前支付的,住宿合同将失去其效力。但仅限本饭店在指定定金的支付日期时,将该事项告知下榻宾客的情况。



1.  不论前条第2款做何规定,本饭店可在合同成立后接受以无需支付该款所述定金为内容的特别合同。

2.  在同意住宿合同的申请时,在本饭店未要求支付前条第2款所述定金以及未指定该定金的支付日期的情况下,按照接受前款所述特别合同情况办理。






1.  下榻宾客不得留宿下榻宾客以外的人员,不得转让、转卖其在住宿合同上的地位,亦不得在未经本饭店事先同意的情况下,让其他人员使用本饭店内的下榻宾客专用设施。

2.  本饭店会在预定住宿日期前的任意一天,联系依据第2条第1款提出申请的联系人,确认预约和其他事项。届时,在非不得已的情况下,下榻宾客应响应来自本饭店的事前联络。



1.  本饭店在下列情况下可不接受签订住宿合同。但这并不意味着本饭店会在非日本《旅馆业法》第5条规定的情况下拒绝提供住宿。

(1) 住宿申请不符合本协议时。

(2) 客房已满,无空余房间时。

(3) 认为在本饭店下榻者在住宿方面有可能实施违反法律法规等的规定或公序良俗行为时。

(4) 在本饭店下榻者为日本《旅馆业法》第4条之2第1款第2项规定的特定传染病患者等(以下简称“特定传染病患者等”)时。

(5) 因天灾、设施故障及其他不得已的理由不能办理住宿时。

(6) 希望在本饭店下榻者符合下列①-⑦时。

①   属于暴力团、暴力团相关企业与组织、总会屋、极端组织、特殊智能暴力团伙、准暴力团及其他犯罪团伙、其他反社会势力或相当于上述情况者(以下简称“暴力组织等”)或暴力团等的相关人员

② 属于由暴力组织等或暴力组织等的相关人员控制事业活动的法人等组织

③ 属于法人且其高管(指董事、执行董事或其他相当于董事、执行董事的人)、员工、关联公司等中有暴力组织等的相关人员的

④ 属于让暴力组织等使用自己名义的

⑤ 其言行对本饭店的客人造成极大困扰的

⑥ 以暴力对本饭店或本饭店员工提出要求或要求承担超出合理范围的负担的(依据日本《关于推进消除以残疾为理由的歧视的法律(2013年第65号法律。以下简称“残疾人歧视消除法”。)第7条第2款或第8条第2款规定要求消除社会障碍的情况除外。)

⑦ 对本饭店或本饭店员工反复提出日本《旅馆业法施行规则》第5条之6规定的要求,且满足该要求会加重本饭店或本饭店员工的负担,严重妨碍为其他下榻宾客提供住宿相关服务的。

(7)   属于管辖本饭店所属都道府县《旅馆业法施行条例》规定的情况时

2.  本饭店依据前款规定不接受签订住宿合同时,在本饭店下榻者可以要求本饭店说明其原因。



1.  下榻宾客可以通过向本饭店提出申请来解除住宿合同。

2.  因应归责于下榻宾客的事由导致住宿合同全部或部分解除的(本饭店按照第3条第2款规定,指定定金的支付日期并要求进行该支付的情况下,下榻宾客在该支付之前解除住宿合同的除外),根据附表2的规定,本饭店将收取违约金。但在本饭店已接受第4条第1款所述特别合同的情况下,则仅限本饭店在接受该特别合同时已将下榻宾客解除住宿合同后需支付违约金的义务告知下榻宾客的情况。

3.  如果下榻宾客在事先未与本饭店联系的情况下,于住宿当日晚上8点(提前表明了预计到店时间的,为超过该时间2小时后)仍未到店的,本饭店将按照下榻宾客主动解除住宿合同处理。



1.  本饭店在下列情况下将解除住宿合同。但这并不意味着本饭店会在非日本《旅馆业法》第5条规定的情况下拒绝提供住宿。

(1) 认为下榻宾客在住宿方面有可能实施违反法律法规等的规定或公序良俗的行为,或认为已实施该行为时。

(2) 下榻宾客是特定传染病患者等时。

(3) 因天灾等不可抗力事由而无法办理入住时。

(4) 在卧室躺着吸烟,破坏消防设备,其他不遵守本饭店规定的使用条款中的禁止事项(仅限预防火灾所需事项)时。

(5) 发现下榻宾客存在符合下列①-⑧所述情况时。

①   属于暴力组织等或暴力组织等的相关人员

②   属于由暴力组织等或暴力组织等的相关人员控制事业活动的法人等组织

③   属于法人且其高管(指董事、执行董事或其他相当于董事、执行董事的人)、员工、关联公司等中有暴力组织等的相关人员的

④   属于让暴力组织等使用自己名义的

⑤   其言行对本饭店的客人造成极大困扰的

⑥   以暴力对本饭店或本饭店员工提出要求或要求承担超出合理范围的负担的(依据日本《残疾人歧视消除法》第7条第2款或第8条第2款规定要求消除社会障碍的情况除外。)。

⑦   对本饭店或本饭店员工反复提出日本《旅馆业法施行规则》第5条之6规定的要求,且满足该要求会加重本饭店或本饭店员工的负担,严重妨碍为其他下榻宾客提供住宿相关服务的。

⑧   违反了本协议及其他使用条款等的

(6) 属于管辖本饭店所属都道府县《旅馆业法施行条例》规定的情况时。

2.  本饭店根据前款规定解除住宿合同时,不收取下榻宾客当前未享受的住宿服务等的费用。

3.  本饭店依据第1款规定解除住宿合同时,下榻宾客可以要求本饭店说明其原因。



1.  下榻宾客需于下榻当天在本饭店的前台登记下列信息。

(1) 下榻宾客的姓名、住址及联系方式

(2) 如为在日本境内没有住所的外国人,则登记国籍和护照号

(3) 其他本饭店认为必要的信息

2.  下榻宾客希望用可以代替货币的住宿优惠券、信用卡等手段支付第14条所述费用时,请在进行前款所述登记时提前予以出示。



1.  除住宿方案特别规定的情况以外,下榻宾客可以使用本饭店客房的截止时间为本饭店规定的时间。但连续住宿时,除了到店日和离店日以外,可全天使用。

2.  不论前款做何规定,本饭店允许在该款所规定的时间外使用客房。此时,会收取本饭店规定的附加费用。



1.  下榻宾客在本饭店内,需遵照本饭店规定并发布在饭店内的使用条款(包括使用指南、各类注意事项、指南等)。



1.  本饭店主要设施等的营业时间如下,其他设施等的具体营业时间将通过室内摆放的手册、各设施的公告、客房内的店内指南等进行介绍。

(1). 门禁............................................ 无

(2). 前台接待...................................... 24小时

2.  前款所述时间在必要或不得已的情况下会临时变更。届时,本饭店将以适当的方式予以通知。



1.  下榻宾客应支付的住宿费等费用的明细及其计算方法如附表1所示。

2.  关于前款所述住宿费等费用,下榻宾客在离店时或在本饭店请款时,请在前台收银台以货币或本饭店认可的住宿优惠券、信用卡等可代替手段进行支付。

3.  本饭店向下榻宾客提供了客房,且客房可使用之后,因为下榻宾客自身原因而未入住的,本饭店仍将收取住宿费。



1.  本饭店在履行住宿合同及相关合同时或因不履行此类合同而给下榻宾客造成损失时,本饭店将予以赔偿。但不属于因应归责于本饭店的事由造成的损失不在此限。



1.  本饭店不能提供已与下榻宾客签约的客房时,应征得下榻宾客的谅解,并尽量按照相同条件安排其他住宿设施。

2.  不论前款做何规定,本饭店无法安排其他住宿设施时,将向下榻宾客支付与违约金相当的金额的补偿费,用于弥补给下榻宾客造成的损失赔偿金。但是,对于因不应归责于本饭店的事由而导致的不能提供客房的情况,本饭店不支付补偿费。



1. 下榻宾客寄存在前台的物品或现金及贵重物品发生灭失、损毁等损失的,除非属于不可抗力造成的情况,否则本饭店将予以赔偿。但关于现金及贵重物品,本饭店要求明确告知其种类及数额,但下榻宾客未明确告知的,本饭店的赔偿金额不超过15万日元。

2.  下榻宾客带入本饭店的物品或现金及贵重物品未寄存前台的,因本饭店故意或过失而造成灭失、损毁等损失的,本饭店将予以赔偿。但对于下榻宾客没有事先明确告知其种类及数额的,除非本饭店故意或存在重大过失,否则本饭店的赔偿金额不超过15万日元。



1.  下榻宾客的行李在其下榻之前到达本饭店的,仅限本饭店在其到达之前已知情时负责保管,并在下榻宾客办理入住手续时交付。

2.  下榻宾客退房后,其行李或随身物品遗忘在本饭店的,本饭店原则上应等待所有者联络本饭店询问并要求其做出指示。如果没有所有者的指示,根据《遗失物法》及所属警察局的指示、指导等,按本饭店规定的管理程序进行处理。另外,现金及贵重物品将在7日内(含发现日)送往附近的警察局,食品、有碍卫生环境的物品将按照本公司规定的管理程序迅速进行处理。

3.  在前两款所述情况下,关于保管下榻宾客的行李或随身物品,本饭店应承担的责任在第1款所述情况下以前条第1款的规定为准,在前款所述情况下以该条第2款的规定为准。



1.  下榻宾客使用本饭店的停车场的,不管车辆钥匙是否交予本饭店,本饭店只出租场所,不承担车辆的管理责任。但在管理停车场时,由于本饭店的故意或过失而对其车辆造成损失时,本饭店将承担赔偿责任。



1.  由于下榻宾客的故意或过失而使本饭店遭受损失时,该下榻宾客应向本饭店赔偿。



1.  即使本协议及其它使用条款等的一部分根据法律法规等被判为无效的,也不会影响除该部分以外的规定的有效性。

2.  即使本协议及其他使用条款等的一部分由于与某个下榻宾客的关系被判为无效或被取消的,也不会影响该部分在与除该下榻宾客以外的其他下榻宾客的关系中的有效性。



1.  本协议及其他使用条款等的有效性、解释及履行应以日本国法律为准。

2.  本协议及其他使用条款等使用多种语言制作,但均以日文版本为准。




附表1 住宿费等费用的明细(第2条第1款及第14条第1款相关)

下榻宾客应支付的总金额 住宿费 ①基本住宿费(房费(或房费+早餐费))
附加费用 ③餐费(或附加的餐费(早餐以外的餐饮费)及其他使用费用)
税费 a 消费税
b 住宿税
c 温泉税




附表2 违约金

合同申请人数 接到解除合同通知之日
取消入住 当天 前一天 20天前 40天前
散客 14人以下 100% 80% 20%
团客 15-99人 100% 80% 20% 10%
100人以上 100% 100% 80% 20% 10%







Accommodation terms and conditions: Kikusuitei

Scope of Applications

Article 1

1. This document (“Terms and Conditions”) describes the terms of accommodation agreements and related agreements (collectively “Accommodation Agreements”) concluded between Kikusuitei (“Hotel”) and its guests (“Guests”). Any items not stipulated in this Terms and Conditions shall be determined according to the laws and regulations or legal and regulatory basis (collectively "Laws”) or generally established custom.

2. Notwithstanding the above, in cases where the Hotel accepts a special agreement, insofar as such special agreement does not violate the Laws or generally established custom, such special agreement shall have precedence over this Terms and Conditions.

3. Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa.

Requesting an Accommodation Agreement

Article 2

1. When requesting an Accommodation Agreement with the Hotel, please provide the Hotel with the following information.

(1) Names and contact information of Guests

(2) Dates of stay and estimated time of arrival

(3) Accommodation fee (normally the basic accommodation fee as specified in Table 1 below)

(4) Other items as specified by the Hotel

2. If Guests wish to extend their stay beyond the dates specified in Paragraph 1 (2) above and have requested during their stay, the Hotel will process such request as an offer for new Accommodation Agreements at the time such request is made.

Effective Date of Accommodation Agreements

Article 3

1. Accommodation Agreements become effective when the Hotel approves the request described in Article 2 above. However, this will not apply if it is proved that the Hotel did not approve the request.

2. When Accommodation Agreements become effective as described in Paragraph 1 above, Guests shall pay the Hotel an amount not exceeding the basic accommodation fee for the indicated stay (equivalent to 3 days’ stay, for a stay of 4 days or over) by the date Hotel specifies.

3. Firstly, the request fee described in Paragraph 2 above will be applied to final accommodation fee that Guests are required to pay. Secondly, in the event of any of the conditions described in Articles 8 and 20 below, such request fee will be applied to cancellation fee and then to compensation. Thirdly, if there is any balance remaining, it will be returned to Guests at the time the fees stipulated in Article 14 are paid.

4. If Guests do not pay the request fee described and as stipulated in Paragraph 2 above, by the payment due date specified by the Hotel, their reservation becomes immediately null and void, provided that the Hotel has notified them of the payment due date in advance.

Special Agreements in Which Payment of the Request Fee is Not Required

Article 4

1. Notwithstanding Article 3 Paragraph 2 above, after entering Accommodation Agreements, the Hotel may in some cases offer a special agreement in which payment of the request fee will not be required.

2. If the Hotel did not request payment of the request fee described in Article 3 Paragraph 2 above when accepting the request for Accommodation Agreements, or did not specify a payment due date, Accommodation Agreements will be treated as a special agreement as described in Paragraph 1 above.

Request for Cooperation in Infection Control Measures at Facilities

Article 5

The Hotel may request cooperation from the person who intends to stay at the Hotel in accordance with the provisions of Article 4-2, Paragraph 1 of the Hotel Business Act (Act No. 138 of 1948).


Article 6

1. Guests will not let others stay at the Hotel, assign or resale Accommodation Agreements, or let others use Hotel’s facilities for Guests only without the Hotel’s prior written consent.

2. Before the date of stay, the Hotel may contact Guests through the contact information provided based on Article 2 Paragraph 1 above for confirmation of bookings, etc. In this case, Guests will response unless there are unavoidable circumstances.

Refusal to Conclude Accommodation Agreements

Article 7

1. In any of the following cases, the Hotel may decline to honor the Accommodation Agreement. However, this Paragraph does not mean that this Hotel may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.

(1) The request for accommodation is not made in accordance with this Terms and Conditions.

(2) The Hotel is fully booked and there are no rooms available.

(3) The person intending to stay at the Hotel is deemed to have violated applicable Laws, public order or public morals.

(4) The person intending to stay at the Hotel is a patient, etc. of a specified infectious disease as defined in Article 4-2, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Hotel Business Act ("Patient of a Specified Infectious Disease”).

(5) Accommodation cannot be provided due to Acts of God, failure of facilities or other unavoidable circumstances.

(6) Any of the following items apply to the person intending to stay at the Hotel.

① Such person is a member of or in any way affiliated with a violent organization, an enterprise or organization affiliated with a violent organization, an organization that conducts radical action, crime groups specialized in intellectual crimes, semi-violent organization, other crime organization or other antisocial organization (collectively “Violent Organization”).

② Such person is a member of a company or other organization whose operations are controlled by a Violent Organization or affiliate thereof.

③ Such person is a legal entity which has an officer (director, executive officer, or any other equivalent person), employee, related person, etc. related to a Violent Organization.

④ Such person accepts the use of its name to a Violent Organization.

⑤ Such person commits significant disturbance of other guests of the Hotel, by words or action.

⑥ Such person makes demands by violence, or otherwise makes demands on the Hotel or its employees exceeding the reasonable extent (excluding cases where the person seeking accommodation requests the removal of social barriers pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 2 or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act (Act No. 65 of 2013. "Act on Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities") on Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability.).

⑦ Such person who intends to stay in the Hotel has repeatedly made a request to the Hotel or its employees as specified in Article 5-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Hotel Business Act as a request whose burden is excessive in its implementation and which may seriously impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests.

(7) The Hotel falls under the provisions of Prefectural Ordinance of the Hotel Business Act of the Prefecture that has jurisdiction over the Hotel.

2. In the event that the Hotel cancels the accommodation contract in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the Guest may request an explanation of the reasons for such cancellation.

The Guests’ Rights of Cancellation

Article 8

1. Guests may cancel Accommodation Agreements at any time by notifying the Hotel.

2. If Guests cancel Accommodation Agreements, in whole or in part, for reasons due to Guests, (unless the Hotel requested a payment of an accommodation fee specifying a payment date as stipulated in Article 3 Paragraph 2 above, and the Guests cancelled Accommodation Agreements before such payment), Guests shall be liable for payment of a cancellation fee as specified in Table 2. However, in the event of a special agreement as described in Article 4 Paragraph 1 above, Guests shall be liable for payment of such cancellation fee. However, provided only if the Hotel notifies, when entering into a special agreement, Guests their duty to pay the cancellation fee.

3. If Guests do not arrive at the Hotel by 8:00 pm on the first day of reservation (or within two hours of the expected arrival time notified by Guests in advance) without notifying the Hotel, such Guests’ reservation may be deemed to be cancelled.

The Hotel’s Rights of Cancellation

Article 9

1. The Hotel may cancel Accommodation Agreements in the event of any of the following. However, this Paragraph does not mean that this Hotel may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.

(1) The person intending to stay at the Hotel is deemed to violate or has violated applicable Laws, public order or public morals during the stay.

(2) The person intending to stay at the Hotel is a Patient of a Specified Infectious Disease.

(3) The Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to Acts of God and other force majeure events.

(4) Smoking inside the facility (including smoking with electronic cigarettes, heated tobacco, etc.),in the case of smoking in bed, mischievous use of fire extinguishing equipment, or other actions prohibited by the Hotel’s terms of use (“Terms of Use”) (insofar as they involve matters necessary for fire safety).

(5) Any of the following items apply to Guests.

① Such Guests are members of or in any way affiliated with a Violent Organization.

② Such Guests are members of a company or other organization whose operations are controlled by a Violent Organization or affiliate thereof.

③ Such Guests are members of a legal entity which has an officer (director, executive officer, or any other equivalent person), employee, related person, etc. related to a Violent Organization.

④ Such Guests accept the use of their names to a Violent Organization.

⑤ Such Guests commit significant disturbance of other guests of the Hotel, by words or action.

⑥ Such Guests make demands by violence or threat of violence against, or otherwise make demands on the Hotel or its employees exceeding the reasonable extent (except when the Guest requests the removal of social barriers as provided in Article 7, Paragraph 2 or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities).

⑦ Such Guests repeatedly makes a request to the Hotel or its employees as specified in Article 5-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Hotel Business Act as a request whose burden is excessive in its implementation and which may seriously impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests.

⑧ Such Guests violate this Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, etc.

(6) The Hotel falls under the provisions of Prefectural Ordinance of the Hotel Business Act of the Prefecture that has jurisdiction over the Hotel.

2. If the Hotel cancels Accommodation Agreements as described in Paragraph 1 above, the Hotel shall not charge the Guest for any accommodation services not yet provided.

3. In the event that the Hotel cancels the accommodation contract in accordance with the Paragraph 1, the Guest may request an explanation of the reasons for such cancellation.

Registration of Stay

Article 10

1. Guests shall register the following information at the front desk of the Hotel on the first day of their stay.

(1) Guests’ name, address and contact information

(2) If Guests are not Japanese citizens, their nationality and passport number.

(3) Other items as specified by the Hotel

2. If Guests choose to pay the fees described in Article 14 below by means other than cash, such as accommodation certificates or credit cards, it shall be indicated at the time of registration described in Paragraph 1 above.

Times of Use of Guest Suites

Article 11

1. The Guests are only able to use the allocated rooms from 3:00P.M. to 10:00A.M., unless otherwise stipulated as an accommodation plan. In the case of a continuous stay of two or more days, Guests may use the rooms throughout the day on all days except the date of arrival and departure.

2. Notwithstanding Paragraph 1 above, the Hotel may permit the use of the rooms outside the hours described in Paragraph 1 above. In such cases, Guests will pay additional fees specified by the Hotel.


Article 12

During their stay, Guests shall comply at all times with the Hotel’s Terms of Use (including and not limited to guidance, warnings, information, etc.), as posted in the Hotel’s premises.

Hours of Operation

Article 13

1. The hours of operation of main Hotel facilities are as follows. Details on the hours of operation of other Hotel facilities are provided by brochures, notice boards, and floor and facility guides posted in each room.

(a) Curfew ········································································None*

(b) Front-desk services······················································From 7:00A.M. to 10:00P.M.

2. The hours listed in Paragraph 1 above are subject to change when necessary and under unavoidable circumstances. In this case, the Hotel will take appropriate measures to notify thereof.


Article 14

1. Breakdown and calculation of the accommodation fees, etc. payable by the Guests are provided in Table 1.

2. Guests will pay the accommodation fees, etc. as described in Paragraph 1 above at the front desk in cash, or otherwise by accommodation certificates, credit cards, or other equivalent forms accepted by the Hotel, at the time of Guests’ departure or when the Hotel charges the bill.

3. After the Hotel provides Guests with access to rooms, even if they choose not to stay in or use such rooms, the Hotel shall nonetheless charge the accommodation fee to Guests.

Responsibilities of the Hotel

Article 15

If the Hotel caused damage to Guests due to Accommodation Agreements, or performance or nonperformance thereof, the Hotel shall compensate Guests for such damage. However, the same will not apply if such damage is due to reasons for which the Hotel is not liable.

If the Hotel Fails to Provide the Promised Accommodation

Article 16

1. If the Hotel cannot provide Guests with the contracted rooms, the Hotel shall obtain their understanding and arrange other accommodation facilities to provide rooms as close as possible to the originally agreed conditions.

2. If the Hotel is unable to arrange the provision of alternative accommodations as described in Paragraph 1 above, the Hotel shall pay Guests compensation equivalent to the cancellation fee as damages. However, the same will not apply if Guests’ damage is due to reasons which the Hotel is not liable.

Handling of Bailed Goods, etc.

Article 17

1. In the event of damage to any cash, valuables or other goods bailed at the front desk by Guests, except in the case of acts of God or force majeure, the Hotel shall compensate Guests for such damage. However, if Guests have not indicated the value of such goods when asked to do so by the Hotel, such compensation shall be limited to 150,000 yen.

2. In the event of damage to any cash, valuables or other goods brought into the Hotel by Guests but not bailed at the front desk, if such damage is due to reasons which the Hotel is liable, whether by intention or negligence, the Hotel shall compensate Guests for such damage. However, if Guests have not indicated the value of such goods when asked to do so by the Hotel, such compensation shall be limited to 150,000 yen.

Storage of Guests’ Hand Luggage and Personal Effects

Article 18

1. If the Guests’ luggage arrives at the Hotel before Guests, only if the Hotel accepts such arrival in advance, the Hotel shall be responsible for storing such luggage, and the Hotel shall return it to Guests when they check in.

2. If Guests’ hand luggage and personal belongings are found left at the Hotel after their check out, the Hotel, in principle, shall wait for inquiries from Guests and ask for instructions. If no instructions are given from Guests, the Hotel will handle it by Hotel’s rules based on Lost Property Act or directions, instructions, etc. of the local police station. Furthermore, cash and valuables will be delivered to the nearest police station within 7 days (including the day on which they are found), and foods, drinks, or insanitary goods will be promptly handled by the Hotel’s rules.

3. The Hotel’s responsibility regarding Paragraph 1 is as described in Article 16 Paragraph 1 and responsibility regarding Paragraph 2 is as described in Article 16 Paragraph 2.

Responsibilities Regarding Parking

Article 19

When Guests use the Hotel’s parking facilities, the Hotel is merely the lender of a parking space; the Hotel is not liable for the care of Guests’ vehicle, whether vehicle’s key is bailed to the Hotel or not. However, if Guest’s vehicle is damaged while the Hotel is managing parking facilities, due to Hotel’s intention or negligence, the Hotel shall be liable for compensation of such damages.

Responsibilities of the Guest

Article 20

1. In the event of damage to the Hotel due to Guests’ intention or negligence, Guests shall compensate damages to the Hotel.

2. The entire hotel is non-smoking. If smoking (including electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco) is allowed in the guest room, you will be required to pay 50,000 yen as compensation for damages. However, if the actual damage caused to the hotel exceeds the amount, we will ask you to pay the actual amount of damage.


Article 21

1. If any provision of the Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, etc. is found invalid under law, the validity of the remaining provisions will not be in any way affected.

2. If any provision of the Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, etc. is found invalid or cancelled in relation to certain Guests, the validity of the provisions in relation to the remaining Guests will not be in any way affected.

Governing Law and Language

Article 22

1. The validity, construction, and performance of the Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, etc. will be governed in the laws of Japan.

2. This Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use, etc., have been prepared in multiple languages.  However, Japanese version shall prevail over other language versions.


Article 23

If the Hotel deems necessary, the Hotel may amend this Terms and Conditions. If the Hotel decides to make such amendment, until the date 1 month prior to the effective date of such amendment, the Hotel will announce such amendment, amended Terms and Conditions, and its effective date on the homepage.

Table 1 Breakdown of Accommodation Fees, etc. (Related to Article 2 Paragraph 1 and Article 14 Paragraph 1)


Total payable by the Guest Accommodation fee 1. Basic accommodation fees {room fee (or room fee + dinner fee + breakfast fee)}
2. Service charge (“1.” (described above) multiplied by a percentage which the Hotel specifies)
Additional fees 3.Fees for meals and drinks〔or additional fees (meals and drinks other than breakfast) and other user fees]
4. Service charge (“3.” (described above) multiplied by percentage which the Hotel specifies )
Taxes Consumption Tax
Accommodation Tax
Bathing Tax


1.The basic accommodation fees are as presented in the Hotel’s price list.

2.The Hotel’s accommodation fees per child is normally the same as per adult(Additional charges will apply if you use only bedding or meals). Depending on the season, however, a special infants’ fee and children’s fee may be set.
In the event of such changes in fees, the Hotel will inform Guests by suitable means. “Infants” mean infants between 1 and 6 years old, and “children” mean children between 6 and 12 years old.
In the event of revision of the tax laws, the taxes charged shall reflect said revision.
In the event of revision of the tax laws, the taxes charged shall reflect said revision.

3.Some hotels may be obliged to charge accommodation and spa-facility taxes.

Table 2 Cancellation Fees

Date notice of cancellation is received None Same day Previous day 20 days’ prior notice 40 days’ prior notice
Number of cancelled persons
General Up to 14 100% 40% 20%
Group 15 to 99 100% 80% 20% 10%
100 or over 100% 100% 80% 20% 10%


1.“%” indicates the percentage of the cancellation fee to the basic accommodation fee.

2.If the number of days in the stay is reduced, one day’s cancellation fee is charged regardless of the number of days by which the stay is reduced.

3.In the event of cancellation by some of the members of a group (15 guests or more), 10% (fractional amounts will be discarded) of the number of Guests notified 10 days in advance of the stay, will not be subject to cancellation fee.

4.Based on hotel deals, plans, or other special agreements otherwise planned by the Hotel, cancellation fee which differ from this Table 2 may be stipulated.

*At Hotel Sea Paradise Inn, the island is closed for certain hours of the day. Details are available here.

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Hotels applicable to this terms & Conditions

The Prince Akatoki brand hotels, Park Regis By Prince brand hotels, Policy brand hotels, Park Regis brand hotels, Park Proxi brand hotels and Leisure Inn brand hotels

Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

All bookings made via our websites (www.seibuprince.com, www.theprinceakatokilondon.com www.parkregishotels.com www.leisureinnhotels.com,  www.parkregisbyprince.com, www.thepolicy.com and www.parkproxi.com) or with applicable Seibu Prince Hotels and Resorts directly are made subject to these terms and conditions.

The person making the booking will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions on behalf of all persons staying at the Participating property under the booking once payment is made in relation to the booking.

The subjects dealt with in these terms and conditions are listed alphabetically.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to change and/or modify any of these terms and conditions at any time without notice and such changes will become effective immediately.  Please check these terms and conditions periodically for changes.  The effective date of the following terms and conditions is 1 April 2024.


In the following terms and conditions:

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide refers to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide (Australia) Pty Limited ABN 46 128 965 828, its related bodies corporate, the owner of any StayWell hotels that fall under the “The Prince Akatoki”, “Park Regis by Prince”, “Park Regis”, “Policy”, “Park Proxi” and “Leisure Inn” brands. and their current and former officers, employees, contractors, sub-contractors/consultants (including their respective employees and contractors) and agents,

“We”, “Us” and “Our” refers to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide.

“You” and “Your” refer to the person who makes or is making the reservation.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will not guarantee or confirm a reservation made more than fifty-one (51) weeks or 358-days prior to arrival.  Requests and quotes beyond this period may be possible however no rates or availability will be guaranteed and confirmed.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to cancel or amend (with reasonable notice) any reservation made beyond this period.


Check-in/arrival time for all of our hotels other than Park Regis Birmingham, Park Regis Singapore, Park Regis by Prince Dubai Islands, Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai, Park Regis Business Bay,Park Regis Lotus Bahrain and The Prince Akatoki London is from 14:00 (2:00PM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  Check-in/arrival time for Park Regis Birmingham, Park Regis Singapore, Park Regis by Prince Dubai Islands, Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai, Park Regis Business Bay, Park Regis Lotus Bahrain and The Prince Akatoki London is from 15:00 (3:00PM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  We allow guests to arrive earlier and can store any luggage until the room is ready.

Check-out/departure time for all of our Australian hotels is prior to 10:00 (10:00AM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  Check-out/departure time for Park Regis Birmingham, Park Regis Singapore and Park Regis Goa is prior to 11:00 (11:00AM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  Check-out/departure time for all of our other hotels is prior to noon (12:00PM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  For all of our hotels late check-out after the specified time may be possible (subject to availability) but may incur an extra fee.  If the hotel is fully committed on the departure date, late departures or extensions not already confirmed will not be permitted.


Bedding requests should be made at time of booking.  The meeting of bedding requests is strictly subject to availability.


We promise that you won’t be able to find a lower rate for any of our hotels anywhere online.  We understand that looking for the lowest rate can be time consuming and frustrating.  That’s why we ensure we have the lowest rate available on our own website so you won’t need to shop around.  On the unlikely occasion that a lower rate is not listed on www.seibuprince.com, please contact us and we will be happy to match it. The rate must be publicly available and valid for the same arrival and departure dates., the same room type and the same booking terms and conditions.  The rate must be listed in the local currency of the hotel, not influenced by a currency conversion and include goods and services tax (GST). Should the lower rate be the result of a third party website selling Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide rooms at a loss (ie a lower rate than the rate we have provided the room to the third party website), then we may not be able to match that rate and this guarantee will not apply.


The conditions applicable to booking amendments and cancellations are generally set out in the booking confirmation.  If no such term is set out in the booking confirmation then our standard cancellation policy will apply.  This requires reservation cancellations or changes to be advised to us by 2PM (14:00) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates, two (2) days prior to arrival.

If you fail to cancel or amend a booking prior to the cut off time applicable to it then the booking will be treated as a non-cancellable booking.  Cancellation of our bookings is permitted if the cancellation is made prior to the cut off time applicable to the booking.

Amendment of bookings is subject to availability and approval of the hotel for which the booking has been made and any request for a change to the booking must be made before the cut off time for the cancellation of the booking.  Please note that a higher rate may apply to an amended booking if the change is accepted by the relevant hotel.

Some of our bookings are offered on the basis that they are fully prepaid and no cancellation or amendment of these bookings are permitted.  Rates such as early bird or advanced purchase rates, or saver value rates, are strictly non-refundable and amendments and cancellations of these bookings will not be permitted.

Regardless of the type of booking, if a guest does not arrive by 6PM on the arrival date at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates without confirming a later arrival time with the hotel, the reservation will be released and 100% of total charges set out in your booking confirmation will be payable by you. Any prepayment will also be forfeited.

Over high demand and special event periods, alternative cancellation policies may apply if notified to you in writing on the booking confirmation. The cancellation policy for these bookings will be communicated during the reservation process and can be supplied in a confirmation email when requested.


Car parking is subject to availability. Car Parking may be available at some of our participating hotels.  At some hotels parking is available free of charge and at some of our hotels parking is available if the parking charge applicable at the hotel is paid by you.  The availability of parking at our hotels is not guaranteed unless written confirmation is given to you by the hotel as part of the package booked by you with the hotel.  Please contact the relevant hotel if you wish to discuss parking with them.  If you park a vehicle at one of our hotels you agree to enter the car park at your own risk. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss to your property or property belonging to anyone else.


A credit card pre-authorisation will be required at check in to cover accommodation costs and or incidental items (including charges applicable for any damage to the room occupied by you or your guests during your booking, any cleaning costs over and above normal room servicing and any items which are missing from the room occupied by you or your guests during your booking). We will pre-authorize a credit card for any charges we deem appropriate to cover accommodation and or incidental charges that may be applicable based on the length of stay and room type. Please ensure you have sufficient funds to cover additional incidentals for this purpose. Unused funds from this pre-authorization will be released within 14 days after departure from the hotel.  Where a credit card is not available a cash security deposit will be required on check-in (please confirm the level of cash deposit required with the property prior to arrival as access to a room will not be given without a credit card pre-authorisation or cash deposit acceptable to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide).


A non-refundable credit card surcharge applies when paying with a credit card at all Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide . Surcharge varies depending on the type of credit card used and the location of the property.

The current applicable fees are:

For Qld properties – Visa and MasterCard attract a transaction fee of 0.9%; American Express issued by banks attracts a fee of 1.98%; American Express issued by AMEX and Diners Club attract a fee of 3.5%. UnionPay attracts a fee of 3%. There is no surcharge when paying with EFTPOS.

For Park Regis City Centre – Visa and MasterCard attract a transaction fee of 1.70%; American Express issued by banks attracts a fee of 1.98%; American Express issued by AMEX and Diners Club attract a fee of 3.5%. UnionPay attracts a fee of 3%. There is no surcharge when paying with EFTPOS.

For other Australian properties – Visa attracts a transaction fee of 1.27%; MasterCard attracts a transaction fee of 1.64%; American Express issued by banks attracts a fee of 1.98%; American Express issued by AMEX and Diners Club attract a fee of 3.5%. UnionPay attracts a fee of 3%. There is no surcharge when paying with EFTPOS.

For Park Regis Lotus Bahrain – Visa and MasterCard attract a transaction fee of 1.9%; American Express issued by banks attracts a fee of 3.35%; American Express issued by AMEX and Diners Club attract a fee of 3.5%. UnionPay attracts a fee of 3%. There is no surcharge when paying with EFTPOS.

For all other properties – no fee.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide may evict a guest or visitors without warning. Guests who are evicted from any Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will be blacklisted from all hotel locations and we may choose to notify the police. A guest is subject to such eviction should any of the following occur:

Intoxication or unsavoury behaviour

Overcrowding of hotel rooms or apartments by exceeding maximum capacity allowed under these terms

Physical assault or verbal abuse of hotel staff and/ or other hotel guests

Wilful damage to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide (a fine will also apply)

Any incident for which the police need to be called onto the premises

Any behaviour posing a safety threat to others

Ignoring request to reduce excessive noise

Throwing of objects from windows or over balconies

Smoking within the room (a fine will also apply)

Failure to make payment

Breach of these terms and conditions


In relation to properties located in the Middle East, only guests who have registered with reception and provided their passport or valid photo identification details are permitted in rooms.


If a guest fails to pay immediately upon demand any amount owing to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, pursuant to the reservation (including but not limited to accommodation charges, F&B charges, car parking fees, telephone charges, room damage/smoking fines, other incidental charges). Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide may deny you and your guests access to the room which you have booked and require that you vacate the premises.


In relation to our Australian hotels, careless and/or deliberate activation of the Hotel Fire Alarm System, will automatically incur a substantial fee to be paid immediately by the registered guest. The fee will be equal to the fee charged to the property by the fire brigade to cover the cost of the call out.  The size of the fee varies from property to property but typically exceeds $1,000.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not responsible for any loss or damage arising out of any occurrence or conditions beyond its control including acts of God, war, terrorism, government regulations, natural disasters, strikes, civil disorder, thefts, third party delays, vehicle defects or curtailment of third party transportation facilities.  All travel arrangements and observance of laws and government regulations are your responsibility.


More than ten (10) reservations made by a single person or separate reservations made by a number of guests travelling together is considered by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide as a group. Any separate reservations made for the purpose of group reservations via our reservation teams and via any form of online distribution channels may be cancelled and a group proposal may be supplied. Different terms and conditions apply for group reservations as stated in the group accommodation agreement (if applicable). This policy also applies to a travel agent making ten (10) or more bookings via their booking system.


The guest who registers at check-in/arrival will be responsible for any damage to any rooms and contents during the stay dates.  The registered guest will be liable for damages caused (including those by third parties visiting the rooms) which will result in forfeiting any deposits, pre-payment and also may be subject to additional charges (including charges to pre-authorised credit cards and or loss of security deposits).  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is entitled to process any charges in addition to accommodation to the presented credit card supplied at check-in/arrival.


For the comfort of all our guests, noise must be kept to a minimum so everyone is able to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable stay. We require that any non-registered visitors leave all rooms by 23:00 (11PM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates each evening.


Reservations can be made online at www.seibuprince.com or by calling the individual property that you wish to stay at.


Complimentary WI-FI access is available at every Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide property.


Please refer to requirements provided by individual properties and/or listed on your booking confirmation.


A minimum length of stay may apply during high demand or special event periods, as determined by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide. If you confirm a reservation over such periods, you agree to stay for the required minimum nights.


For bookings made on flexible terms, full payment for room charges related to your booking is required 48 hours prior to arrival. For non-refundable reservations (eg advanced purchase rates or saver value rates), full payment is required at the time of booking. For high-demand periods and special event dates, payment method is restricted to non-refundable only, meaning full prepayment is required upon confirmation of bookings and bookings are non-refundable.  Incidental charges incurred during your stay are charged upon check out. A pre-authorization on your credit card will be taken at check in to ensure funds are available for payment of any incidental charges. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide accept payment made via EFTPOS, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and UnionPay. Surcharge applies to all credit card payments.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not permit pets (excluding guide dogs) at any locations. Having an animal (excluding guide dogs) on site is considered a breach of your stay conditions and you will be asked to vacate the property immediately. Guide Dogs are permitted and must be harnessed and wear a registration tag that displays their registration number in public areas. Please advise us upon reservation if you have a Guide Dog.


Whilst care is taken to ensure that the description of facilities and services of Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide hotels is accurate, facilities are continually being changed, upgraded, and on occasion taken out of service.  If any feature/facility is essential to you in choosing a particular property, it is your responsibility to confirm with the property prior to making your booking that the feature/facility will be available during your stay.

To the extent permitted by law, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not responsible or liable for any errors or changes to property or facility descriptions nor any differences between the photos of facilities and the actual condition of facilities.  Not all room types at a hotel are photographed on our websites and the actual look and feel of the room you occupy may differ from the image shown on the website.  In addition, property images and floor plans are indicative only and actual rooms occupied may vary in décor, standard of finish or layout.

Any map images are for general information and may not reflect actual routings, locations or services.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is unable to guarantee the accuracy of destination shots and is not responsible for any works which may be underway outside the property.


A valid form of photo identification (ID) matching the name of the guest in the reservation must be presented at the time of check in. This is required at all of our locations in order to verify your identity for security purposes and to protect the credit card holder. A valid passport, driver’s license or proof of age card are all valid forms of photo identification accepted by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide hotels. This ID may be photocopied and stored securely as record due to increasing credit card fraud. As per our privacy policy, any personal information contained on the collected identification will not be on-sold to any third party and will be carefully disposed of together with all other documentation relating to your stay at the end of the period when records relating to your stay may be lawfully disposed of by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide.  If you are unable to provide photo ID on check-in your booking may be cancelled and you will be liable to pay Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide an amount equal to the full reservation cost and all prepayments you have made in relation to the reservation will be forfeited to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide.


The currency applicable to any quoted rates is either specified with the quoted rate or, if not specified, is in the local currency where the relevant hotel is located.  All quoted rates are subject to change at any time until a booking confirmation is issued.  Unless specified otherwise in a quote, Australian quoted rates are inclusive of all compulsory government or regulated charges and taxes (for example GST) where applicable and quotes for properties outside Australia are exclusive of service fees and all compulsory government or regulated charges and taxes (for example GSTVAT, Municipality fees and tourism office charges) where applicable.

Quoted rates do not include transport to or from the property or items of a personal nature including but not limited to laundry, telephone, taxis, room service, meals or transfers, airport taxes, unless otherwise indicated.  If you have been quoted a rate that includes meals you should contact the relevant property directly to obtain details of these inclusions.

Some rates which are quoted are valid only for a minimum number of nights and if the number of nights included in your booking changes the rate may also change.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to amend rates that have been confirmed incorrectly due to human or distribution errors.


To the extent permitted by the law, you agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide against, from and in respect of all expenses, costs, liabilities, claims, actions, proceedings, damages, judgments and losses of any kind whatsoever (including but not limited to consequential and economic losses, property loss/damage and damages for injury, including personal injury and death) arising out of, caused by, attributable to or resulting from your booking or your stay at any Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide hotel except to the extent such expense, cost, liability, claim, action, proceeding, damage, judgment or loss arose out of, was caused by, attributable to or resulted from Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide’s negligence, wrongful act/omission or breach of these terms and conditions

To the extent permitted by law the aggregate of Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide’s liability to you is limited to an amount not exceeding the amount paid by you for your booking.

Each indemnity in these terms and conditions is a continuing and independent obligation and survives the termination or expiry of these terms and conditions.

To the extent permitted by law, all conditions, warranties, guarantees, rights, remedies, liabilities and other terms implied or conferred by statute, custom or the general law that impose any liability or obligation on Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide are excluded under these terms and conditions.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, our goods and services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law or other legislation.  For major failures with the service, you are entitled:

to cancel your service contract with us; and

to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.

You are also entitled to choose a refund or replacement for major failures with goods. If a failure with the goods or a service does not amount to a major failure, you are entitled to have the failure rectified in a reasonable time. If this is not done, you are entitled to a refund for the goods and to cancel the contract for the service and obtain a refund of any unused portion. You are also entitled to be compensated for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage from a failure in the goods or service.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide may enter guest rooms at any time but will knock and call out to guest before entering.  Room may be entered for a variety of reasons including room servicing or if Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide has a legitimate cause for concern eg disturbing noises from the room or if the in-house guest has not been seen or heard from over a period of time.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to refuse a guest entry to a hotel.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not required to provide reasons for any such refusal.


In the unlikely event that Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide cannot provide accommodation at the property which you have booked, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will at no additional expense to you relocate you into an alternative property which in the reasonable opinion of Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is of comparable quality and in a comparable location.  If a property of comparable quality in a comparable location is not available, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide may relocate you to a property of less comparable quality or less comparable location in which case Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will pay you an amount which it reasonably believes represents the difference between the rate payable for the alternate property and the rate paid by you for the property which you had booked.

Should you wish to be relocated to an alternative property other than the property chosen by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, you will be required to pay any difference in price between Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide’s choice of property and your chosen property.

If Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide and you cannot agree on an alternative property then Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will cancel your booking and will refund any prepayment you have made to you.

Specific room numbers (within the type reserved) and floor allocations are subject to availability upon check-in/arrival and cannot be pre-allocated or guaranteed.  Higher and/or upgraded room types need to be reserved at time of reservation.


All room reservations include departure cleans.  Some room rates do not include daily room servicing.  Please check the inclusions in your room reservation before confirming your booking.  Additional room servicing is available from the property for an additional cost or charge.  Please contact the reception of the property to arrange same.


All Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide hotels are secured environments and we do everything possible to ensure security levels are maintained. However, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide accepts no liability for any personal possessions that are lost, stolen or misplaced whilst on premises.


All Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide properties are non-smoking and smoking in the rooms or public areas is strictly prohibited. Fines and cleaning fees will apply to guests who do not adhere to this policy.


While Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide attempts to satisfy all special requests, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not guarantee that special requests can be accommodated.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not permit resale of rooms to a third party for trade purposes without prior written consent. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to accept or reject any reservations made through an unauthorized third party. This policy also applies to group reservations and reservations made on negotiated corporate or agent rates.


Third party products or services are sometimes sold together with accommodation provided by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide. In such circumstances the third party is entirely responsible for supplying the products or services to you and any involvement Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide has in facilitating your booking with the third party is as the third party’s agent. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not the supplier of these third party products and services and to the extent permitted by law Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not liable for any failure by the third party to provide the products or services, nor for any act, error, omission, default or negligence of the third party.

All third party coupons, vouchers, receipts and tickets are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by those third parties.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not warrant the accuracy of any information, statements or representations made by third parties.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide recommends that all guests purchase comprehensive travel insurance at the time of booking. This insurance needs to be arranged by guests from an insurer selected by them at the guest’s expense.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide recommends that such insurance should cover all relevant items including loss of prepayments through cancellation, loss or damage to personal baggage, loss of money and medical expenses.


All children under the age of 18 are considered minors and must be accompanied by a responsible adult (parent or authorized guardian) during the whole stay. Any minors who are not accompanied by a responsible adult are not permitted to stay at the hotel, regardless of having a confirmed reservation. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to refuse check in to or evict any individual under the age of 18 years that is not accompanied by a responsible adult.  In such case the reservation will be cancelled and 100% of total charges set out in your booking confirmation will be payable by you. Any prepayment will also be forfeited.


You consent and authorise Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide and the relevant hotel to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes of administering your booking and providing you with any services associated with your booking.

You also consent to information which you have provided to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide or the relevant property as part of your booking being used by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide , the relevant property or any of their related bodies corporate for the purpose of informing you about offers and promotions which relate to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide  or its properties subject to any restrictions set out in our Privacy Policy.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will not provide or disclose any information you have provided to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide or the relevant property to any person other than a related body corporate without your prior written consent.

Upon request by you and to the extent permitted or required by law, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will provide you with access to and/or the ability to correct your personal information however only the person who made the booking will be entitled to access and/or correct personal information pertaining to that booking.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will erase your personal details from our marketing database on receipt of a written request from you to do so.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will retain your personal information in its booking system and on tax and accounting records for the period that such retention is required by law or government regulation.

For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy on our website.


You agree that any money or other valuables, goods or vehicles that belong to you, bought into the hotel building, grounds or car park remain your responsibility.


Hotels applicable to this terms & Conditions

The Prince Akatoki brand hotels, Park Regis By Prince brand hotels, Policy brand hotels, Park Regis brand hotels, Park Proxi brand hotels and Leisure Inn brand hotels

Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

All bookings made via our websites (www.seibuprince.com, www.theprinceakatokilondon.com www.parkregishotels.com www.leisureinnhotels.com,  www.parkregisbyprince.com, www.thepolicy.com and www.parkproxi.com) or with applicable Seibu Prince Hotels and Resorts directly are made subject to these terms and conditions.

The person making the booking will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions on behalf of all persons staying at the Participating property under the booking once payment is made in relation to the booking.

The subjects dealt with in these terms and conditions are listed alphabetically.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to change and/or modify any of these terms and conditions at any time without notice and such changes will become effective immediately.  Please check these terms and conditions periodically for changes.  The effective date of the following terms and conditions is 1 April 2024.


In the following terms and conditions:

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide refers to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide (Australia) Pty Limited ABN 46 128 965 828, its related bodies corporate, the owner of any StayWell hotels that fall under the “The Prince Akatoki”, “Park Regis by Prince”, “Park Regis”, “Policy”, “Park Proxi” and “Leisure Inn” brands. and their current and former officers, employees, contractors, sub-contractors/consultants (including their respective employees and contractors) and agents,

“We”, “Us” and “Our” refers to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide.

“You” and “Your” refer to the person who makes or is making the reservation.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will not guarantee or confirm a reservation made more than fifty-one (51) weeks or 358-days prior to arrival.  Requests and quotes beyond this period may be possible however no rates or availability will be guaranteed and confirmed.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to cancel or amend (with reasonable notice) any reservation made beyond this period.


Check-in/arrival time for all of our hotels other than Park Regis Birmingham, Park Regis Singapore, Park Regis by Prince Dubai Islands, Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai, Park Regis Business Bay,Park Regis Lotus Bahrain and The Prince Akatoki London is from 14:00 (2:00PM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  Check-in/arrival time for Park Regis Birmingham, Park Regis Singapore, Park Regis by Prince Dubai Islands, Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai, Park Regis Business Bay, Park Regis Lotus Bahrain and The Prince Akatoki London is from 15:00 (3:00PM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  We allow guests to arrive earlier and can store any luggage until the room is ready.

Check-out/departure time for all of our Australian hotels is prior to 10:00 (10:00AM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  Check-out/departure time for Park Regis Birmingham, Park Regis Singapore and Park Regis Goa is prior to 11:00 (11:00AM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  Check-out/departure time for all of our other hotels is prior to noon (12:00PM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates.  For all of our hotels late check-out after the specified time may be possible (subject to availability) but may incur an extra fee.  If the hotel is fully committed on the departure date, late departures or extensions not already confirmed will not be permitted.


Bedding requests should be made at time of booking.  The meeting of bedding requests is strictly subject to availability.


We promise that you won’t be able to find a lower rate for any of our hotels anywhere online.  We understand that looking for the lowest rate can be time consuming and frustrating.  That’s why we ensure we have the lowest rate available on our own website so you won’t need to shop around.  On the unlikely occasion that a lower rate is not listed on www.seibuprince.com, please contact us and we will be happy to match it. The rate must be publicly available and valid for the same arrival and departure dates., the same room type and the same booking terms and conditions.  The rate must be listed in the local currency of the hotel, not influenced by a currency conversion and include goods and services tax (GST). Should the lower rate be the result of a third party website selling Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide rooms at a loss (ie a lower rate than the rate we have provided the room to the third party website), then we may not be able to match that rate and this guarantee will not apply.


The conditions applicable to booking amendments and cancellations are generally set out in the booking confirmation.  If no such term is set out in the booking confirmation then our standard cancellation policy will apply.  This requires reservation cancellations or changes to be advised to us by 2PM (14:00) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates, two (2) days prior to arrival.

If you fail to cancel or amend a booking prior to the cut off time applicable to it then the booking will be treated as a non-cancellable booking.  Cancellation of our bookings is permitted if the cancellation is made prior to the cut off time applicable to the booking.

Amendment of bookings is subject to availability and approval of the hotel for which the booking has been made and any request for a change to the booking must be made before the cut off time for the cancellation of the booking.  Please note that a higher rate may apply to an amended booking if the change is accepted by the relevant hotel.

Some of our bookings are offered on the basis that they are fully prepaid and no cancellation or amendment of these bookings are permitted.  Rates such as early bird or advanced purchase rates, or saver value rates, are strictly non-refundable and amendments and cancellations of these bookings will not be permitted.

Regardless of the type of booking, if a guest does not arrive by 6PM on the arrival date at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates without confirming a later arrival time with the hotel, the reservation will be released and 100% of total charges set out in your booking confirmation will be payable by you. Any prepayment will also be forfeited.

Over high demand and special event periods, alternative cancellation policies may apply if notified to you in writing on the booking confirmation. The cancellation policy for these bookings will be communicated during the reservation process and can be supplied in a confirmation email when requested.


Car parking is subject to availability. Car Parking may be available at some of our participating hotels.  At some hotels parking is available free of charge and at some of our hotels parking is available if the parking charge applicable at the hotel is paid by you.  The availability of parking at our hotels is not guaranteed unless written confirmation is given to you by the hotel as part of the package booked by you with the hotel.  Please contact the relevant hotel if you wish to discuss parking with them.  If you park a vehicle at one of our hotels you agree to enter the car park at your own risk. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss to your property or property belonging to anyone else.


A credit card pre-authorisation will be required at check in to cover accommodation costs and or incidental items (including charges applicable for any damage to the room occupied by you or your guests during your booking, any cleaning costs over and above normal room servicing and any items which are missing from the room occupied by you or your guests during your booking). We will pre-authorize a credit card for any charges we deem appropriate to cover accommodation and or incidental charges that may be applicable based on the length of stay and room type. Please ensure you have sufficient funds to cover additional incidentals for this purpose. Unused funds from this pre-authorization will be released within 14 days after departure from the hotel.  Where a credit card is not available a cash security deposit will be required on check-in (please confirm the level of cash deposit required with the property prior to arrival as access to a room will not be given without a credit card pre-authorisation or cash deposit acceptable to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide).


A non-refundable credit card surcharge applies when paying with a credit card at all Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide . Surcharge varies depending on the type of credit card used and the location of the property.

The current applicable fees are:

For Qld properties – Visa and MasterCard attract a transaction fee of 0.9%; American Express issued by banks attracts a fee of 1.98%; American Express issued by AMEX and Diners Club attract a fee of 3.5%. UnionPay attracts a fee of 3%. There is no surcharge when paying with EFTPOS.

For Park Regis City Centre – Visa and MasterCard attract a transaction fee of 1.70%; American Express issued by banks attracts a fee of 1.98%; American Express issued by AMEX and Diners Club attract a fee of 3.5%. UnionPay attracts a fee of 3%. There is no surcharge when paying with EFTPOS.

For other Australian properties – Visa attracts a transaction fee of 1.27%; MasterCard attracts a transaction fee of 1.64%; American Express issued by banks attracts a fee of 1.98%; American Express issued by AMEX and Diners Club attract a fee of 3.5%. UnionPay attracts a fee of 3%. There is no surcharge when paying with EFTPOS.

For Park Regis Lotus Bahrain – Visa and MasterCard attract a transaction fee of 1.9%; American Express issued by banks attracts a fee of 3.35%; American Express issued by AMEX and Diners Club attract a fee of 3.5%. UnionPay attracts a fee of 3%. There is no surcharge when paying with EFTPOS.

For all other properties – no fee.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide may evict a guest or visitors without warning. Guests who are evicted from any Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will be blacklisted from all hotel locations and we may choose to notify the police. A guest is subject to such eviction should any of the following occur:

Intoxication or unsavoury behaviour

Overcrowding of hotel rooms or apartments by exceeding maximum capacity allowed under these terms

Physical assault or verbal abuse of hotel staff and/ or other hotel guests

Wilful damage to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide (a fine will also apply)

Any incident for which the police need to be called onto the premises

Any behaviour posing a safety threat to others

Ignoring request to reduce excessive noise

Throwing of objects from windows or over balconies

Smoking within the room (a fine will also apply)

Failure to make payment

Breach of these terms and conditions


In relation to properties located in the Middle East, only guests who have registered with reception and provided their passport or valid photo identification details are permitted in rooms.


If a guest fails to pay immediately upon demand any amount owing to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, pursuant to the reservation (including but not limited to accommodation charges, F&B charges, car parking fees, telephone charges, room damage/smoking fines, other incidental charges). Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide may deny you and your guests access to the room which you have booked and require that you vacate the premises.


In relation to our Australian hotels, careless and/or deliberate activation of the Hotel Fire Alarm System, will automatically incur a substantial fee to be paid immediately by the registered guest. The fee will be equal to the fee charged to the property by the fire brigade to cover the cost of the call out.  The size of the fee varies from property to property but typically exceeds $1,000.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not responsible for any loss or damage arising out of any occurrence or conditions beyond its control including acts of God, war, terrorism, government regulations, natural disasters, strikes, civil disorder, thefts, third party delays, vehicle defects or curtailment of third party transportation facilities.  All travel arrangements and observance of laws and government regulations are your responsibility.


More than ten (10) reservations made by a single person or separate reservations made by a number of guests travelling together is considered by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide as a group. Any separate reservations made for the purpose of group reservations via our reservation teams and via any form of online distribution channels may be cancelled and a group proposal may be supplied. Different terms and conditions apply for group reservations as stated in the group accommodation agreement (if applicable). This policy also applies to a travel agent making ten (10) or more bookings via their booking system.


The guest who registers at check-in/arrival will be responsible for any damage to any rooms and contents during the stay dates.  The registered guest will be liable for damages caused (including those by third parties visiting the rooms) which will result in forfeiting any deposits, pre-payment and also may be subject to additional charges (including charges to pre-authorised credit cards and or loss of security deposits).  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is entitled to process any charges in addition to accommodation to the presented credit card supplied at check-in/arrival.


For the comfort of all our guests, noise must be kept to a minimum so everyone is able to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable stay. We require that any non-registered visitors leave all rooms by 23:00 (11PM) at the local time for the hotel to which the booking relates each evening.


Reservations can be made online at www.seibuprince.com or by calling the individual property that you wish to stay at.


Complimentary WI-FI access is available at every Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide property.


Please refer to requirements provided by individual properties and/or listed on your booking confirmation.


A minimum length of stay may apply during high demand or special event periods, as determined by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide. If you confirm a reservation over such periods, you agree to stay for the required minimum nights.


For bookings made on flexible terms, full payment for room charges related to your booking is required 48 hours prior to arrival. For non-refundable reservations (eg advanced purchase rates or saver value rates), full payment is required at the time of booking. For high-demand periods and special event dates, payment method is restricted to non-refundable only, meaning full prepayment is required upon confirmation of bookings and bookings are non-refundable.  Incidental charges incurred during your stay are charged upon check out. A pre-authorization on your credit card will be taken at check in to ensure funds are available for payment of any incidental charges. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide accept payment made via EFTPOS, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and UnionPay. Surcharge applies to all credit card payments.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not permit pets (excluding guide dogs) at any locations. Having an animal (excluding guide dogs) on site is considered a breach of your stay conditions and you will be asked to vacate the property immediately. Guide Dogs are permitted and must be harnessed and wear a registration tag that displays their registration number in public areas. Please advise us upon reservation if you have a Guide Dog.


Whilst care is taken to ensure that the description of facilities and services of Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide hotels is accurate, facilities are continually being changed, upgraded, and on occasion taken out of service.  If any feature/facility is essential to you in choosing a particular property, it is your responsibility to confirm with the property prior to making your booking that the feature/facility will be available during your stay.

To the extent permitted by law, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not responsible or liable for any errors or changes to property or facility descriptions nor any differences between the photos of facilities and the actual condition of facilities.  Not all room types at a hotel are photographed on our websites and the actual look and feel of the room you occupy may differ from the image shown on the website.  In addition, property images and floor plans are indicative only and actual rooms occupied may vary in décor, standard of finish or layout.

Any map images are for general information and may not reflect actual routings, locations or services.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is unable to guarantee the accuracy of destination shots and is not responsible for any works which may be underway outside the property.


A valid form of photo identification (ID) matching the name of the guest in the reservation must be presented at the time of check in. This is required at all of our locations in order to verify your identity for security purposes and to protect the credit card holder. A valid passport, driver’s license or proof of age card are all valid forms of photo identification accepted by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide hotels. This ID may be photocopied and stored securely as record due to increasing credit card fraud. As per our privacy policy, any personal information contained on the collected identification will not be on-sold to any third party and will be carefully disposed of together with all other documentation relating to your stay at the end of the period when records relating to your stay may be lawfully disposed of by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide.  If you are unable to provide photo ID on check-in your booking may be cancelled and you will be liable to pay Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide an amount equal to the full reservation cost and all prepayments you have made in relation to the reservation will be forfeited to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide.


The currency applicable to any quoted rates is either specified with the quoted rate or, if not specified, is in the local currency where the relevant hotel is located.  All quoted rates are subject to change at any time until a booking confirmation is issued.  Unless specified otherwise in a quote, Australian quoted rates are inclusive of all compulsory government or regulated charges and taxes (for example GST) where applicable and quotes for properties outside Australia are exclusive of service fees and all compulsory government or regulated charges and taxes (for example GSTVAT, Municipality fees and tourism office charges) where applicable.

Quoted rates do not include transport to or from the property or items of a personal nature including but not limited to laundry, telephone, taxis, room service, meals or transfers, airport taxes, unless otherwise indicated.  If you have been quoted a rate that includes meals you should contact the relevant property directly to obtain details of these inclusions.

Some rates which are quoted are valid only for a minimum number of nights and if the number of nights included in your booking changes the rate may also change.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to amend rates that have been confirmed incorrectly due to human or distribution errors.


To the extent permitted by the law, you agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide against, from and in respect of all expenses, costs, liabilities, claims, actions, proceedings, damages, judgments and losses of any kind whatsoever (including but not limited to consequential and economic losses, property loss/damage and damages for injury, including personal injury and death) arising out of, caused by, attributable to or resulting from your booking or your stay at any Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide hotel except to the extent such expense, cost, liability, claim, action, proceeding, damage, judgment or loss arose out of, was caused by, attributable to or resulted from Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide’s negligence, wrongful act/omission or breach of these terms and conditions

To the extent permitted by law the aggregate of Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide’s liability to you is limited to an amount not exceeding the amount paid by you for your booking.

Each indemnity in these terms and conditions is a continuing and independent obligation and survives the termination or expiry of these terms and conditions.

To the extent permitted by law, all conditions, warranties, guarantees, rights, remedies, liabilities and other terms implied or conferred by statute, custom or the general law that impose any liability or obligation on Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide are excluded under these terms and conditions.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, our goods and services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law or other legislation.  For major failures with the service, you are entitled:

to cancel your service contract with us; and

to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.

You are also entitled to choose a refund or replacement for major failures with goods. If a failure with the goods or a service does not amount to a major failure, you are entitled to have the failure rectified in a reasonable time. If this is not done, you are entitled to a refund for the goods and to cancel the contract for the service and obtain a refund of any unused portion. You are also entitled to be compensated for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage from a failure in the goods or service.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide may enter guest rooms at any time but will knock and call out to guest before entering.  Room may be entered for a variety of reasons including room servicing or if Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide has a legitimate cause for concern eg disturbing noises from the room or if the in-house guest has not been seen or heard from over a period of time.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to refuse a guest entry to a hotel.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not required to provide reasons for any such refusal.


In the unlikely event that Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide cannot provide accommodation at the property which you have booked, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will at no additional expense to you relocate you into an alternative property which in the reasonable opinion of Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is of comparable quality and in a comparable location.  If a property of comparable quality in a comparable location is not available, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide may relocate you to a property of less comparable quality or less comparable location in which case Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will pay you an amount which it reasonably believes represents the difference between the rate payable for the alternate property and the rate paid by you for the property which you had booked.

Should you wish to be relocated to an alternative property other than the property chosen by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, you will be required to pay any difference in price between Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide’s choice of property and your chosen property.

If Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide and you cannot agree on an alternative property then Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will cancel your booking and will refund any prepayment you have made to you.

Specific room numbers (within the type reserved) and floor allocations are subject to availability upon check-in/arrival and cannot be pre-allocated or guaranteed.  Higher and/or upgraded room types need to be reserved at time of reservation.


All room reservations include departure cleans.  Some room rates do not include daily room servicing.  Please check the inclusions in your room reservation before confirming your booking.  Additional room servicing is available from the property for an additional cost or charge.  Please contact the reception of the property to arrange same.


All Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide hotels are secured environments and we do everything possible to ensure security levels are maintained. However, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide accepts no liability for any personal possessions that are lost, stolen or misplaced whilst on premises.


All Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide properties are non-smoking and smoking in the rooms or public areas is strictly prohibited. Fines and cleaning fees will apply to guests who do not adhere to this policy.


While Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide attempts to satisfy all special requests, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not guarantee that special requests can be accommodated.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not permit resale of rooms to a third party for trade purposes without prior written consent. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to accept or reject any reservations made through an unauthorized third party. This policy also applies to group reservations and reservations made on negotiated corporate or agent rates.


Third party products or services are sometimes sold together with accommodation provided by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide. In such circumstances the third party is entirely responsible for supplying the products or services to you and any involvement Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide has in facilitating your booking with the third party is as the third party’s agent. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not the supplier of these third party products and services and to the extent permitted by law Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide is not liable for any failure by the third party to provide the products or services, nor for any act, error, omission, default or negligence of the third party.

All third party coupons, vouchers, receipts and tickets are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by those third parties.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide does not warrant the accuracy of any information, statements or representations made by third parties.


Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide recommends that all guests purchase comprehensive travel insurance at the time of booking. This insurance needs to be arranged by guests from an insurer selected by them at the guest’s expense.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide recommends that such insurance should cover all relevant items including loss of prepayments through cancellation, loss or damage to personal baggage, loss of money and medical expenses.


All children under the age of 18 are considered minors and must be accompanied by a responsible adult (parent or authorized guardian) during the whole stay. Any minors who are not accompanied by a responsible adult are not permitted to stay at the hotel, regardless of having a confirmed reservation. Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide reserves the right to refuse check in to or evict any individual under the age of 18 years that is not accompanied by a responsible adult.  In such case the reservation will be cancelled and 100% of total charges set out in your booking confirmation will be payable by you. Any prepayment will also be forfeited.


You consent and authorise Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide and the relevant hotel to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes of administering your booking and providing you with any services associated with your booking.

You also consent to information which you have provided to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide or the relevant property as part of your booking being used by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide , the relevant property or any of their related bodies corporate for the purpose of informing you about offers and promotions which relate to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide  or its properties subject to any restrictions set out in our Privacy Policy.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will not provide or disclose any information you have provided to Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide or the relevant property to any person other than a related body corporate without your prior written consent.

Upon request by you and to the extent permitted or required by law, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will provide you with access to and/or the ability to correct your personal information however only the person who made the booking will be entitled to access and/or correct personal information pertaining to that booking.

Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will erase your personal details from our marketing database on receipt of a written request from you to do so.  Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide will retain your personal information in its booking system and on tax and accounting records for the period that such retention is required by law or government regulation.

For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy on our website.


You agree that any money or other valuables, goods or vehicles that belong to you, bought into the hotel building, grounds or car park remain your responsibility.

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